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Music Dance & Theater
in Personal Enrichment
Ukulele for Beginners 3.4.25
with Duncan Perry

Ballroom Dance
with Megan Dinsmore

Get Paid To Talk / An Introduction to Voice Over- Live Webinar 3.26.25
with Voice Coaches Staff, Albany NY

Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People 3.31.25
with Craig Coffman

Will run
Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People 4.1.25
with Craig Coffman

Ukulele for Beginners 4.16.25
with Duncan Perry

Will run
Ballroom Dance -- Spring Tune Up!
with Megan Dinsmore

How to Play the Piano by Ear
with Craig Coffman

Learn one of music’s deepest mysteries: how to play songs without relying on music. A very practical presentation of music theory that includes predicting chord progressions, learning from recordings, and transposing-all expressed in everyday language. This is an ideal follow-up to the “Instant Piano” class and is open to anyone who has a basic understanding of chords on any instrument. Expand your musical horizons, and free yourself from sheet-music dependence, and be the life of the party! Prior experience with chords recommended. Fee includes the online book, online follow-up lessons, a recording of the class and an optional monthly question and answer session. Class is held online using zoom.
Will run