Weather for Outdoor Enthusiasts
with Alice Bean Andrenyak
We’re spending more time outside and that is good. Learn how to integrate weather forecasts and your own reading of the weather signs to plan ahead and to best manage your outdoor activities - walking, biking, hiking, camping, paddling, boating, playing and exercising. Learn from a Master Maine Guide & Total Weather Spotter.
Master Maine Guide Alice Bean Andrenyak is a Maine native who lives at Mere Point in Brunswick. Owner of Alice's Awesome Adventures and Maine e-Learning, she is an outdoor enthusiast, naturalist, teacher, solo entrepreneur, a Kripalu trained Outdoor Guide, and a great cook. She has been visiting Malaga Island for over 30 years and has seen it change. She also trains future Registered Maine Guides and outdoor enthusiasts in navigation, canoeing, SUP, sea kayaking, snowshoeing, nature studies, and overnighting skills. She is a Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide leading Forest Bathing sessions and leads regular sea kayak and hiking tours of Malaga Island.
Apr 9th, 2025
Wed for 1 week from 5:30 - 8:30 pm
Virtual Live
For directions, call us at 207-563-2811
Room: Zoom